BSM symposium 2025
READ MORE: BSM symposium 2025Last Friday, ten members of CMET had the opportunity to attend the BSM symposium 2025, “amAIzing Microbiology”, in Brussels. The event featured a diverse range of talks, covering topics from general microbiology to applied and environmental microbiology, as well as host-microbe interactions. It was an excellent opportunity to expand our knowledge of the latest developments in…
Biogas can be more than just energy – methalgae turns yesterday’s leftovers into treasure
READ MORE: Biogas can be more than just energy – methalgae turns yesterday’s leftovers into treasureBiogas is a widely available but often underused resource. Can we do more with it than just burn it for energy? A recent study, led by Dr. Patricia Ruiz Ruiz, PhD student Patricia Mohedano Caballero, and Prof. Jo De Vrieze, explores how methalgae—a special mix of methane-eating bacteria and algae—can turn biogas into valuable biochemicals.…
VACANCIES: PhD candidates with expertise in methanogenesis or sulphate reduction
READ MORE: VACANCIES: PhD candidates with expertise in methanogenesis or sulphate reductionFor the CMET research group we are looking for two Doctoral fellows About Ghent University Ghent University is a world of its own, employing more than 15.000 people. It is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. It is one of…
23/01: Mini-symposium: Microbial Interactions in Health and Disease
READ MORE: 23/01: Mini-symposium: Microbial Interactions in Health and DiseaseMicrobial communities play a crucial role in maintaining health and driving disease processes. Understandin how microbes interact with each other, their host, and their environment provides valuable insights into new diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive strategies. The Jury Activity Proposal “Microbial Interaction in Health and Disease” brings together leading experts to explore cutting-edge research on microbial…
23/01: Public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Ir. Fabian Mermans
READ MORE: 23/01: Public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Ir. Fabian MermansCMET and dissertation supervisors Prof. dr. ir. Nico Boon and Prof. dr. Wim Teughels proudly presents the public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Ir. Fabian Mermans. The title of the doctoral dissertation is “Microbial flow cytometry reveals responses of the oral microbiota to antimicrobial treatment” – “Microbiële flow cytometrie onthult de reactie van de…
Second Emerging Microbial Technologies conference
READ MORE: Second Emerging Microbial Technologies conferenceCall for abstracts OPEN!! We are so happy to share that the 2nd Emerging Microbial Technologies conference will take place in Ghent next 25th April 2025! Submit your abstract on the microbial technology you are working on to our upcoming conference in Emerging Microbial Technologies for a Sustainable and Healthy society! This event is co-organized…
Elise Vermeulen receives prize for her CMET thesis
READ MORE: Elise Vermeulen receives prize for her CMET thesisElise Vermeulen, former master thesis student at CMET, has won the 2024 Water Technology Award for her master thesis research on the microbial risks associated with using aquathermal energy from drinking water. The Flanders water technology network, , annually awards young engineers for their promising research for the water industry. Elise received the first price…
Alcanivorax can help break down plastics in the marine environment
READ MORE: Alcanivorax can help break down plastics in the marine environmentEvery year up to 12 000 tonnes of plastics enter our oceans. As the plastics are not made to degrade easily, all this plastic pollution is piling up. PhD student Astrid Rombouts, recently graduated dr. Valérie Mattelin and post-doc dr. Josefien Van Landuyt wondered how certain bacteria, like Alcanivorax, can help break down plastics in…
Public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Eng. Kevin Sabbe
READ MORE: Public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Eng. Kevin SabbeCMET and dissertation supervisors Prof. dr. Ramon Ganigué and Prof. dr. ir. Nico Boon proudly presents the public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Eng. Kevin Sabbe. The title of the doctoral dissertation is “Organic waste valorisation to carboxylic acids through chain elongation processes” – “De valorisatie van organisch afval tot carbonzuren via ketenverlengingsprocessen”. The…
CMET represented at ISME19 in Cape Town
READ MORE: CMET represented at ISME19 in Cape TownThis past August, five members of our research group attended the 19th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME19) in Cape Town, South Africa. It was an enriching experience that brought together experts and enthusiasts from across the globe to explore the latest advancements and ideas in microbial ecology. We attended a wide range of fascinating talks covering…