CMET researchers study microbial communities & interactions to better understand and steer ecological processes with an ultimate aim of improving and enabling biotechnological applications.

The Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET) is a part of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University. CMET is specialized in the study and application of mixed microbial cultures or communities. A microbial community consists of several populations, which each represent a functional biological entity and thus a diverse metabolic capacity. The assemblage of these biological entities represents -when properly organized- a powerful resource. CMET researchers focus on the optimal management of these microbial resources. We define it as Microbial Resource Management (MRM), enabling us to develop novel products and (technological) processes to improve our environment or human health in the most sustainable way.

The CMET research group is part of the Department of Biotechnology and comprises about 85 academics, technical and administrative staff.
Doctoral dissertation | MiCE | News

Public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Ir. Fabian Mermans

CMET and dissertation supervisors Prof. dr. ir. Nico Boon and Prof. dr. Wim Teughels  proudly presents the public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Ir. Fabian Mermans. The title of the doctoral dissertation is “Microbial flow cytometry reveals responses of the oral microbiota to antimicrobial treatment” – “Microbiële flow cytometrie onthult de reactie van de […]

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Event | News

Second Emerging Microbial Technologies conference

Call for abstracts OPEN!! We are so happy to share that the 2nd Emerging Microbial Technologies conference will take place in Ghent next 25th April 2025! Submit your abstract on the microbial technology you are working on to our upcoming conference in Emerging Microbial Technologies for a Sustainable and Healthy society! This event is co-organized […]