Water Treatment and Production

Increasing sanitation has a tremendous impact on the environment and human life expectancy. Many microbiological processes are involved in wastewater treatment and microbiologists and process engineers try to steer these interactions in order to treat the very complex mix of chemicals and materials dissolved and suspended in industrial wastewater and sewage. Furthermore, microorganisms play an important role in the production and distribution of safe drinking water and high quality process water as well.

CMET researchers study microbiological interactions (activated sludge) in aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic conditions, and further develop biological nutrient en micropollutant management strategies in different matrices. The Water Treatment and Production Group has a strong experience in engineering microbial processes in lab- and pilot-scale reactor set-ups. To cope with the current challenges of climate change and water scarcity, CMET applies biological strategies for the integration of non-traditional resources in the industrial and municipal water production process as well. Using flow cytometric fingerprinting, CMET researchers develop innovative monitoring tools of the microbial community and the bacterial water quality, and examine microbially induced (corrosion) phenomenons.

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